Crystals Of The Month: Lapis Lazuli, Citrine & Selenite

Welcome to this month's "Crystals of the Month" series! Each month, we embark on a journey to explore the unique magical properties, historical significance, and practical applications of three fascinating crystals, along with their connections to complementary elements like herbs, planets, and chakras.

For the month of September, I've selected three crystals that harmonise beautifully with the themes and energies of this transitional period: Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, and Selenite. These exceptional crystals possess distinctive qualities and metaphysical properties, offering us guidance, inspiration, and a sense of symmetry in our ever-changing world. In this month's crystal exploration, we cordially invite you to join us as we delve into the enchanting depths of Lapis Lazuli, bask in the radiant warmth of Citrine, and find serenity in the pure elegance of Selenite. Let's journey into the captivating realm of these crystals and uncover how they can illuminate our path during the splendid month of September.

Please note that the healing properties mentioned in this post are for informational purposes only and I am not advocating for replacing modern medicine with crystals.

Lapis Lazuli
A photo realistic image of a wooden bowl filled with blue stones on a white wooden surface with green fern leaves and pink and purple flowers.
Lapis Lazuli tumble stones from Luna Amatores. Find them here
What is Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli is a captivating and historically significant gemstone known for its deep blue colour with golden flecks or pyrite inclusions. Lapis Lazuli, often simply referred to as Lapis, is a metamorphic rock composed mainly of the mineral lazurite, along with varying amounts of pyrite (fool's gold), calcite, and other minerals. Its intense blue colour has been prized for thousands of years, making it one of the most sought-after gemstones in history.

Lapis Lazuli has a history that dates back over 6,000 years. Lapis Lazuli was highly prized by the ancient Sumerians and Akkadians as a symbol of power and royalty. It was used to create jewellery, sculptures, and decorative objects. The ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli in jewellery, cosmetics, and even ground it into a powder to create the vivid blue pigment known as "Egyptian blue" for their artwork and murals. It was also associated with the goddess Isis and was believed to offer protection and spiritual insight. Lapis Lazuli was also used in medieval Europe to create vibrant blue pigments for illuminated manuscripts and paintings. The colour was so highly valued that it was often reserved for depictions of the Virgin Mary's robe in Christian art. These are just some key examples, however Lapis Lazuli has been revered in many different cultures, both ancient and modern, for its metaphysical properties and its beauty.


The primary colour of Lapis Lazuli is an intense, royal blue. This blue can range from a rich, dark blue to a slightly lighter shade, but the most prized specimens are a vivid and deep blue reminiscent of a clear night sky. The colour is often likened to the blue of the sea or the heavens. One of the most notable features of Lapis Lazuli is the presence of golden or brassy flecks of pyrite (fool's gold) scattered throughout the stone. These pyrite inclusions can vary in size and distribution within the stone. They create a mesmerizing contrast against the deep blue background and give Lapis Lazuli its characteristic "starry" or "galaxy" appearance. In some Lapis Lazuli specimens, there may be white or greyish calcite streaks or veining running through the blue matrix. These streaks can add an interesting and unique pattern to the stone.

Healing Properties

Lapis Lazuli is renowned for its physical healing properties, helping to address a range of bodily concerns. It is particularly noted for its ability to aid in healing throat, jaw, and chest issues. This makes it a valuable ally for those struggling with conditions affecting these areas, such as sore throats, dental discomfort, or respiratory problems. Beyond these specific applications, Lapis Lazuli is also prized for its remarkable capacity to ease tensions and anxiety. Its soothing energy can help reduce stress-related symptoms, promoting a sense of relaxation and calm. Whether used in crystal healing layouts, worn as jewellery, or simply carried as a talisman, Lapis Lazuli's physical healing properties contribute to a holistic approach to well-being, offering comfort and support to those who seek its therapeutic qualities.

Magical properties and uses.

Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone steeped in magical properties that resonate with the essence of September, a month that signifies transition and new beginnings. This crystal embodies a blend of creativity, truth, and balance, making it an ideal companion for those embarking on creative ventures, seeking justice, or striving for clarity and wisdom. Lapis Lazuli's energies boost determination, making it the perfect crystal for self-improvement and growth. It serves as a protective shield, enhancing personal protection while deepening spiritual connections and promoting unity within families. With its powerful link to the throat chakra, it fosters clear communication and love in all its forms, making it a talisman of choice for those seeking to attract love or strengthen their bonds with loved ones. Lapis Lazuli's magical properties extend into the realm of divination, revealing hidden truths and offering strength when facing life's challenges. Its purifying energy further elevates its practical uses, making it a versatile and transformative tool for those on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Corresponding Elements and Associations

Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone rich in mystical connections and associations, aligning with elements of astrology, zodiac signs, deities, and more. Its versatile properties make it a valuable addition to spiritual practices and magical endeavours.

  • Astrology: Neptune & Venus
  • Zodiac Signs: Capricorn & Libra
  • Day: Saturday
  • Deities: Isis, Justitia, Nut, Venus
  • Number: Three
  • Tarot Cards: The Hierophant, The World
  • Herb Combinations: Lavender, Peppermint, Hyssop, Rosemary
  • Element: Water

A digital image of a collage of different elements related to the gemstone Lapis Lazuli on a light blue paper-like background. The collage includes a list of words and phrases that are associated with the gemstone, a sketch of a plant with a quote, a photo of a piece of Lapis Lazuli jewellery and a sketch of a flower.

A photo of a large crystal cluster being held in a hand with glittery nail polish on a wooden surface with greenery and red flowers.
Citrine cluster from Luna Amatores. Find it here
What is Citrine?

Citrine is a captivating gemstone renowned for its sunny, golden hues, and its unique qualities make it a distinct and valuable addition to the world of crystals. Natural Citrine, often referred to as "real" Citrine, is a member of the quartz family. Its name is derived from the French word "citron," which means lemon, and true Citrine typically exhibits a warm, golden-yellow to amber coloration, radiating warmth and positivity.

Citrine has been used by various civilizations for thousands of years. The earliest recorded use of this gemstone dates to ancient Greece, where it was used as a decorative gemstone. The Greeks believed that Citrine had protective properties and adorned their jewellery and clothing with it. In ancient Rome, Citrine was used not only for adornment but also as a talisman against evil thoughts and snake venom. Roman priests often incorporated Citrine into their ceremonial jewellery. During the Middle Ages, Citrine was a symbol of hope and vitality. It was believed to have the power to dispel negative thoughts and promote good health. Many thought it could protect against the plague.

Citrine experienced a resurgence in popularity during the 17th century when it was used extensively in Scotland. The Scottish craftsmen favoured Citrine for its warm and inviting colour, and it became a traditional adornment for kilt pins, brooches, and other jewellery. In the 19th century, Citrine gained popularity as a decorative gemstone for Art Deco jewellery. It was often paired with other gems like amethyst and topaz to create striking jewellery pieces.

Throughout history, Citrine has been cherished for its beauty and believed to possess various protective and healing properties. It’s warm, golden colour and association with positive energy continue to make it a popular choice in jewellery and spiritual practices today.


The most striking feature of Citrine is its colour. It ranges from pale yellow to deep golden or amber hues, resembling the radiant glow of a sunlit meadow. Natural Citrine has a subtle, translucent quality, and its colour is often described as bright, cheerful, and inviting. Citrine is typically transparent, allowing light to pass through the stone and showcase its warm colour. It has a relatively high clarity level, with few inclusions or impurities. Citrine can display variations in colour intensity, with some stones exhibiting a pale lemon-yellow colour, while others showcase a deeper, richer golden hue. The intensity of the colour can vary from stone to stone, allowing for a range of options when selecting Citrine gemstones. It's worth noting that some Citrine on the market is heat-treated amethyst or smoky quartz, resulting in a yellow or orange hue. While heat-treated Citrine shares some of the metaphysical properties of natural Citrine, many crystal enthusiasts prefer the authenticity and distinct energy of genuine Citrine. Natural Citrine is relatively rare, and many Citrine gemstones on the market today are heat-treated amethyst or smoky quartz. The heat treatment enhances the stone's colour, giving it the golden colour, it is known for.

Healing Properties

Citrine is a gemstone cherished not only for its radiant beauty but also for its remarkable physical healing properties. Among its many attributes, Citrine is believed to alleviate depression, helping to dispel feelings of sadness. It is also known for its ability to combat fatigue, providing a revitalising energy boost to those who may be experiencing tiredness or lethargy. Additionally, Citrine's healing properties extend to the digestive system, where it is thought to have a beneficial impact on the stomach.

Magical properties and uses.

Citrine has a myriad of positive magical properties, this gemstone is celebrated for enhancing vision, creativity, and willpower, providing the inspiration and confidence needed to overcome obstacles. Citrine's joyful and positive energy radiates happiness and uplifts spirits, making it a beacon of positivity. It infuses its beholder with the boundless energy required for success, prosperity, and abundance, granting both authority and influence over one's path. Moreover, Citrine aids in sleep, calming the mind for restful nights, and opens the mind to new possibilities, enabling clarity and insight. As a manifestation stone, it empowers spell work and can be harnessed to manifest goals and dreams. Whether worn as jewellery to enhance creativity or placed in the workplace for heightened productivity, Citrine's magical properties empower individuals on their journey towards personal growth, manifestation, and healing.

Corresponding Elements and Associations

Citrine is a gemstone brimming with profound connections and mystical associations, harmonising with elements of astrology, chakras, deities, and beyond. Its versatile properties render it an invaluable asset in the realm of spiritual practices and magical pursuits.

  • Astrology: Earth & Mars
  • Zodiac Signs: Leo & Libra
  • Season: Autumn
  • Deities: Demeter, Juno, Themis
  • Number: One & Six
  • Tarot Cards: The Magician
  • Herb Combinations: Rosemary, Lavender, Ashwagandha
  • Element: Fire

A digital collage with a beige background and a variety of elements related to the gemstone Citrine. The collage includes text, illustrations, and photographs of plants and crystals.

A photo of a stack of three white, rectangular bars of selenite on a book page with red flower petals.
Selenite sticks from Luna Amatores. Find them here
What is Selenite?

Selenite, a captivating and spiritually significant mineral, is recognized for its ethereal appearance and profound metaphysical properties. Selenite is a form of the mineral gypsum, characterized by its luminous white or transparent crystals that often appear as fragile, blade-like formations. The name "Selenite" is derived from the Greek word "Selēnē," meaning "moon," a nod to the stone's resemblance to the moon's soft glow. The Greeks believed that Selenite represented the moon goddess Selene and that it held lunar energy.

This crystal has a rich history intertwined with various cultures and beliefs, prized for its associations with purity, clarity, and spiritual connection. It has been revered as a tool for meditation, energy cleansing, and channelling higher consciousness.

Selenite has been used by various ancient civilizations for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, it was associated with the goddess Isis and was used for protection, spiritual insight, and as an offering to the gods. Selenite was also utilized in the construction of temples and pyramids. During the Middle Ages, Selenite was used in Europe to create windows for cathedrals and churches. Its transparent quality allowed light to filter through while providing a mystical and otherworldly ambiance. In modern times, Selenite is renowned for it’s powerful cleansing properties and ability to purify the energy of other crystals.


Selenite is typically colourless or translucent, with a crystal-clear appearance that resembles frozen water or ice. Its colourlessness allows it to refract and reflect light, creating a luminous and ethereal glow. One of the most remarkable features of Selenite is its exceptional transparency. When cut or polished, it often appears almost glass-like and is known for its optical clarity. This transparency is a key factor in its use as a window-like material in architectural and artistic contexts. Selenite crystals typically form in long, slender, and prismatic shapes. They are often found as columns, blades, or wands, and their structure can resemble delicate, frozen icicles. Selenite's crystal habit contributes to its unique visual appeal. Selenite has a smooth and often slightly glossy surface when polished. Its surface can feel cool and soothing to the touch.

Healing Properties

Selenite possesses physical healing properties that extend to both the body and mind. It is celebrated for its calming influence, which can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. This soothing effect can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing stress-related ailments, such as headaches or muscle tension. Additionally, Selenite is believed to offer relief from menstrual cramps and discomfort. Its calming energy may help reduce the severity of cramps and promote relaxation during menstruation, providing a natural and gentle approach to managing menstrual discomfort.

Selenite's healing properties also encompass its ability to enhance the body's self-healing mechanisms and support overall well-being. Whether used in crystal healing layouts or held during meditation, Selenite's calming and nurturing energy can contribute to a sense of physical harmony and balance.

Magical properties and uses.

Selenite is a versatile and cherished tool in the realm of spiritual and mystical practices. Selenite is renowned for its unique ability to cleanse and charge other crystals, making it an indispensable companion for those seeking to amplify the energies of their crystal collection. Selenite's gentle, nurturing energy promotes motivation and empowerment, fostering a sense of inner power and rebirth. It is a beacon for visions and divination, enhancing one's intuitive abilities and spiritual insight. With its strong connection to the moon and feminine energy, Selenite is a favoured choice for moon magic rituals and embracing lunar energy. This crystal's innate spirituality and purity make it a potent ally for banishing negative energy and creating a sacred and harmonious space. Whether used in spell work, as a cleansing tool, or simply held during meditation, Selenite's magical properties illuminate the path to spiritual growth, clarity, and transformation.

Corresponding Elements and Associations

Selenite is a crystal that harmonizes with various elements, celestial bodies, and spiritual energies, making it an essential tool for those engaged in spiritual and mystical practices. Its versatile properties render it an invaluable asset in the realm of spiritual practices and magical pursuits.

  • Astrology: The Moon
  • Zodiac Signs: Cancer & Taurus
  • Deities: Selene
  • Number: Eight
  • Tarot Cards: The Moon
  • Herb Combinations: Lavender, Sage, Rose
  • Element: Water
  • Chakra: Throat & Heart

digital collage image with a grey background and various elements related to the gemstone Selenite. The collage includes a white crystal labeled “Selenite” with a description, illustrations of plants, flowers, and a moon, text with an affirmation, and two white chalk-like lines.

As we conclude this blog post, let us carry the wisdom and energies of Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, and Selenite with us into the future. May their guidance and healing properties continue to illuminate our paths, providing clarity, abundance, and spiritual growth in the ever-changing journey of life. Remember, these crystals are not just beautiful adornments; they are tools for transformation and sources of wisdom on our metaphysical journey.

Please note that the healing properties mentioned in this post are for informational purposes only, and we do not advocate for replacing modern medicine with crystals. Instead, we encourage you to embrace these crystals as complementary elements in your holistic well-being journey. Thank you for joining us on this crystal-filled adventure, and we look forward to embarking on more fascinating explorations in the months to come.

Laura x

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