Divination 101: Discovering the Path to Guidance and Insight

Have you ever wondered what the future holds? Perhaps you’re seeking guidance and aren’t sure where to turn. Since the dawn of time, humanity has been captivated by the unknown, yearning for answers to life's mysteries and seeking to reveal the future through diverse divination practices. But what exactly is divination? How does it work, and how can you harness its power to elevate your life? In this blog post, we will delve into a brief history of divination, its relevance in modern witchcraft, how to find the right method for you, and practical applications to enrich your everyday life.
A photo of a quote about divination written in white text on a black background, surrounded by tarot cards, a crystal, and a feather. The quote says “Divination is not about predicting the future; it is about unveiling the hidden paths of the present and empowering yourself to make conscious choices. - Unknown”.
When the word "divination" is mentioned, most people immediately think of fortune-telling or predicting the future. However, the art of divination goes far beyond that narrow definition. At its core, divination is a spiritual practice and belief system that seeks insights, guidance, or predictions about the future or unknown events through various methods or tools. It rests on the premise that the universe, a higher power, or even our inner consciousness harbours hidden knowledge that can be accessed through specific rituals or techniques.
While predicting the future is indeed a part of divination, many practitioners also use it to gain deeper insights into their current circumstances, aid in decision-making, and seek general guidance. As you become acquainted with the divination tools that resonate with you, this practice can become an invaluable asset in navigating challenges and elevating your spiritual journey.
Where did divination start?
So, when did divination begin? The exact origin is hard to pinpoint, as divination has diverse roots in different cultures with countless practices across the globe. However, its ancient origins can be traced back as far as the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Norse, and Chinese cultures.
In ancient Greece, individuals sought advice from oracles—individuals believed to possess wisdom and insights from the otherworldly realms. They would also interpret guidance by casting dice to divine answers. The Romans adopted many Greek methods of divination and frequently consulted the Sibylline Books, a collection of writings by female prophets known as sibyls.
The ancient Egyptians employed various divination methods that continue to be widely used today, such as scrying, astrology, dream interpretation, and palmistry. Similarly, Norse rune stones, dating back to around 200 BCE, remain popular divination tools.
Another lesser-known but profound divination method is the ancient Chinese practice of I Ching, also known as the "Book of Changes." Originating over 3,000 years ago, I Ching is a complex system based on the interpretation of hexagrams formed by arranging six lines, each representing a different element (yin or yang). It is said to offer profound philosophical guidance for decision-making. I Ching is much more complex than the definition I’ve given here, so well worth doing your own research on if you’re interested in the topic.
A photo of a card with a quote about divination written in white text on a black background, surrounded by other cards with blue circles and astrological symbols on them. The quote says “Through divination, we connect the threads of the universe and weave our own destiny. - Unknown”.
Divination in modern-day witchcraft
Whatever the method, divination remains as popular as ever in modern life, with an increasing number of people openly embracing and enjoying this ancient art. For many practitioners, divination holds a key and important place within their witchcraft practice, serving to connect with their own spirituality. One of the most common reasons for turning to divination is seeking guidance and support in decision-making. Modern-day practitioners employ various divination methods to connect with deities, spirits, a higher power, or their own deeper consciousness. Using divination in this way proves invaluable in making difficult choices, considering different perspectives, and gaining clarity in various situations, empowering practitioners to navigate these challenges with increased confidence.
Another prevalent modern-day use for divination is as a powerful tool for self-development and introspection. Engaging with diverse divination methods offers a remarkable way to fine-tune intuition, facilitate spiritual growth, and heighten self-awareness. As seekers delve into the symbolic language of tarot cards, the ancient wisdom of runes, or the mystical depths of scrying mirrors, they embark on a journey of self-discovery that reveals hidden parts of their inner world.
There are countless reasons why people choose to practice divination, and each one is as valid and unique as the practitioner's path. Divination is a potent and meaningful practice that has the potential to greatly enrich your life when pursued with dedication and openness.
How do I find the right divination method for me?
Choosing a method of divination can be overwhelming considering the many different methods and practices out there. The key to this is following your intuition. Start with what you feel drawn to and do a little research on that method. There is no right or wrong answer; divination is a personal path, and you should do what feels right to you. Also, think about your goal - what kind of answers do you seek? If you’re looking for more in-depth guidance, maybe tarot cards are for you. If you would like a method that will give you quick yes or no answers, perhaps you’d be better suited to pendulum dowsing. Remember, it’s entirely fine to change between different methods depending on your goals and needs. Many people do, and you don’t need to stick to one method; just go with the flow, trust your intuition, and don’t be afraid to experiment. If a particular method isn't resonating with you, you can always come back to it later or explore something else.
For those seeking a starting point, here are some of the more popular methods of divination:
Tarot Cards: Tarot cards are one of the most popular divination tools, and they are the method most people think of when discussing divination. There are many designs and variations of tarot cards out there, but most of them have some connection to the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which is considered to be the “original” and most widely known tarot deck. A standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which are split into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The cards are shuffled, drawn, and interpreted according to the reader's questions. There are many ways to read tarot cards, and various spreads are used, but two popular methods are the one-card draw and the three-card draw. If you are interest in learning tarot- I have many tools such as journals and information cards that you can find here.
Runes: Another popular method of divination is rune reading. Rune reading involves either casting or drawing the runes from a bag and interpreting the symbols and messages behind them. Runes are based on the ancient Germanic alphabet and were traditionally carved into stone or wood. However, you'll find many modern sets cast in resin or carved into semi-precious stones such as amethyst, quartz, and moonstone. Each rune has its own significance and represents different aspects of life and human experience.
Pendulum Dowsing: In pendulum dowsing, a weighted object (the pendulum) is suspended from a chain or string, and practitioners ask yes-or-no questions. The movement of the pendulum is believed to be influenced by the practitioner's subconscious or higher guidance, providing answers to the questions posed. Pendulums are traditionally made from semi-precious gemstones, wood, metal, or glass. Some modern-day pendulums may even be made of resin. It’s important to choose a pendulum that you are drawn to and that resonates with you to get the best results.
Oracle Cards: Though oracle cards may resemble tarot cards, there are some key differences. Oracle cards don’t follow the same standards and patterns as tarot cards. While tarot cards have a set number of cards and specific meanings per card, oracle cards are more open. The size of an oracle deck, meanings, and designs all vary across different decks, making them much more flexible. There is greater freedom when interpreting oracle cards, and often they have simple messages on the cards which is up to the reader to interpret and apply to their situation. For example, one of the decks in my collection, The Star seed Oracle, has 53 cards and is slightly larger than a standard tarot deck. If tarot cards seem overwhelming to you, oracle cards may be a good place to start as they are more user-friendly.
These are just a few divination methods, there are many more out there, which I will be covering in future blog posts. Whichever method of divination you chose to pursue, one thing's for certain—it is a wonderful and fulfilling path to take. It can help give you a sense of clarity, reassure you in uncertain times, and help you dive a little bit deeper into your own self-knowledge. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to practice; your divination journey is yours alone, and if you follow your intuition and trust yourself, you can’t go wrong.
I hope this blog post has been useful to you, and you feel a little less overwhelmed when starting your divination journey. Have a lovely week ahead!
Laura x

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