Plants Of The Month: Rosemary, Marigold & Eucalyptus

Welcome to our latest instalment of "Plants of the Month"! Just as in our "Crystals of the Month" series, we're here to guide you through the enchanting world of plants that resonate with the energies of the current month. This time around, we'll be delving into the mystical qualities of eucalyptus, rosemary, and marigold, uncovering their magical significance, and exploring their practical applications. Additionally, we'll unravel their elemental affiliations, including planets, tarot cards, and crystals.

A word of caution: The information provided regarding the healing properties of these plants is for educational purposes only. We do not advocate for replacing modern medicine with botanical remedies. Always consult with a medical professional before incorporating plants into your wellness routines, and be sure to conduct thorough research, as some plants can be highly toxic.

A close up of a rosemary plant with green leaves that are thin and pointed. The leaves are arranged in a spiral pattern around the stem.

What is Rosemary?

Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen herb known for its needle-like leaves and a distinctive piney fragrance. This versatile herb holds a plethora of magical, culinary, and medicinal uses, making it a staple part of any witch’s toolkit. Whether you're tending to a garden, seeking its symbolic qualities of remembrance, or exploring its various applications, rosemary remains a beloved and multifaceted herb with a rich history and diverse uses. However, it should be used in moderation, and if utilized for its potential health benefits, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable. Additionally, when using rosemary essential oil, remember to handle it with care, as it can be quite potent and should be diluted before application.


Rosemary is known for its slender, needle-like dark green leaves and woody stems, typically growing to a height of 1 to 3 feet. In late spring to early summer, it produces small, tubular flowers in shades of blue, lavender, pink, or white, attracting pollinators. Its distinctive feature is its strong, pine-like aroma when the leaves are touched or crushed.

Culinary Uses

Rosemary is a beloved herb in the culinary world, known for its aromatic flavour. Its needle-like leaves add a delightful earthiness and piney undertone to a wide range of dishes. Rosemary pairs well with roasted meats, particularly lamb and poultry, and is a key ingredient in many Mediterranean and European cuisines. It's also a popular addition to herb rubs, marinades, and homemade bread, infusing dishes with a delectable herbal essence.

Medicinal Uses

Rosemary boasts a rich history of medicinal uses. It's believed to aid digestion by promoting healthy circulation and soothing indigestion. Its essential oil, extracted from the leaves, is used topically for its potential pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, rosemary is valued for its antioxidant qualities, which may help combat oxidative stress. In aromatherapy, its essential oil is used to reduce stress and boost mental clarity. Rosemary oil has also found recent popularity among social media users, for its haircare boosting properties, with many crediting healthy hair transformations to rosemary oil.

Magical Uses.

Rosemary is an incredibly versatile herb in the realm of magic and witchcraft, embodying a myriad of powerful properties. It's respected for its cleansing attributes, effectively purifying spaces, and energies, making it a staple in rituals involving purification and banishing negative influences. As a protector, rosemary wards off malevolent forces and hexes, making it an essential ingredient in protective spells and charms. It also holds healing energies, particularly for ailments of the body and spirit. Rosemary's aromatic presence enhances clarity, wisdom, and concentration, promoting mental focus and aiding in dream work and divination. Its strong ties to loyalty and friendship make it ideal for strengthening relationships and enhancing communication. In the craft, rosemary empowers spell work and rituals, while symbolising endings and new beginnings. It can be crafted into cleansing sticks, sprays, or tea to harness its magical properties, making it an asset in any witch's toolkit.

Other Corresponding Elements

Rosemary is a versatile herb with a multitude of mystical connections and correspondences, aligning with various elements, astrology, zodiac signs, and chakras. Its adaptable qualities make it an essential component in magical and spiritual endeavours.

  • Element: Fire
  • Chakra: Root
  • Astrology: Aries & Leo
  • Planetary Ruler: Mercury & The Sun
  • Crystal Combinations: Moldavite, Lapis Lazuli
  • Deities: Aphrodite
  • Tarot & Runes: The Magician
  • Toxicity: Generally, not toxic

A page from a book or magazine about rosemary. The page is a light green color with a white border. The page has a title “Rosemary” in a cursive font. The page has a drawing of a rosemary plant on the top left corner.

A field of orange flowers in full bloom. The flowers are round and have many petals. The flowers are densely packed together.

What is Marigold?

Marigold, a vibrant and cheerful flowering plant celebrated for its beauty and versatility. With its sunny blooms ranging in colour from brilliant yellows and oranges to deep reds, marigolds have captured the hearts of gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, marigolds hold a special place in traditional and cultural practices around the world. They are believed to bring good fortune and are often used in religious ceremonies and festivals. Marigolds also possess a range of practical applications, such as natural pest repellents in gardens. Their unique qualities, from their striking appearance to their cultural significance, make marigolds a captivating and cherished flower in both horticulture and folklore.


Marigolds are known for their distinctive and striking appearance. These annual flowering plants typically feature clusters of vibrant, daisy-like flowers. Their blooms come in various shades of yellow, orange, and red, with a few varieties showcasing maroon or copper tones. The petals are often deeply divided or fringed, adding a unique textural dimension to their appearance. Marigolds typically have a bushy and compact growth habit, with dark green, fern-like foliage that complements the brightness of their flowers.

Culinary Uses

Certain marigold varieties, such as French and Mexican marigolds edible and offer a unique culinary contribution. Their bright, slightly peppery-flavoured petals make for enticing salad garnishes, herbal tea infusions, or flavour enhancers in dishes. Crystallized or used as cake decorations, marigold petals also add a unique touch to desserts. When incorporating marigolds into culinary creations, always stick to the edible varieties, being mindful to utilize only the petals, as the stems and leaves can be bitter and inedible.

Medicinal Uses

Marigolds possess medicinal properties that have been used for generations. Their qualities make them valuable in treating wounds, cuts, and scrapes, promoting the healing process. Additionally, marigolds exhibit antibacterial attributes, which can help protect against infections and maintain a sterile environment around the injured area. Their healing potential extends to a range of skincare applications, including salves and ointments, making marigolds a natural and effective choice for first aid and wound care.

Magical Uses

Marigolds are celebrated in the realm of magic and spirituality for their multifaceted properties. They are revered for their cleansing and detoxifying qualities, which can help clear away negative energies and promote emotional balance and happiness. Marigolds are also associated with healing, making them valuable in rituals and spells aimed at physical or emotional well-being. The flowers are used for consecrating and blessing spaces, bestowing endurance, and encouraging dream work, particularly for receiving messages in dreams. Marigolds further evoke peace, raise awareness, and enhance divination and justice. Placing marigold flowers around your home can invite peace and blessings, while tucking marigold petals under your pillow can aid in dream interpretation and receiving meaningful messages during sleep.

Other Corresponding Elements

Marigolds, with their radiant and captivating presence, are cherished not only for their vibrant appearance but also for their multifaceted magical properties. In the world of mysticism and spell work, marigolds align with specific elements, celestial influences, and astrological signs.

  • Element: Air & Fire
  • Planet: The Sun
  • Astrology: Cancer & Leo
  • Crystal Combinations: Labradorite, Onyx, Ocean Jasper
  • Toxicity: Some species can be toxic, use with caution
  • Season & Festival: Beltane & Mabon

A poster or infographic about marigold flowers. The background is a light beige color with a subtle texture. The poster is decorated with illustrations of marigold flowers, leaves, and seeds.

A plant with round leaves on a wooden trellis. The leaves are a pale green colour and are attached to thin stems. The image has a moody and dreamy tone.

What is eucalyptus?

Eucalyptus plants are known for their distinctive foliage, which includes pointed leaves that contain aromatic oils. Eucalyptus trees are renowned for their rapid growth and adaptability to various environmental conditions. Eucalyptus oil, extracted from the leaves, is widely recognized for its medicinal and aromatic properties, often used in traditional remedies, aromatherapy, and as an ingredient in various health and wellness products.

Eucalyptus is highly toxic to both humans and animals. Do not consume and keep away from pets.


Eucalyptus trees and shrubs are characterised by their distinctive appearance and are typically a vibrant shade of green. These leaves exude a invigorating aroma, especially when crushed or brushed against. Eucalyptus trees can vary in size, from small shrubs to towering giants, and their bark exhibits a diverse range of textures and colours.

Magical Properties

Eucalyptus is a remarkable plant with a rich variety of magical properties that encompass protection, healing, and purification. Its soothing and calming influence extends to calming worries and anxiety, making it a valuable tool for emotional well-being. Eucalyptus also has the unique ability to revitalise and energise, contributing to spiritual growth and an overall sense of good vibrations. It also aids in healing regrets and promotes a sense of renewal. To harness these magical attributes, you can hang eucalyptus around your home to encourage healing and well-being. Incorporating eucalyptus essential oil in a ritual or healing bath during the full moon enhances the cleansing and revitalizing effects, offering a fresh start and renewed energy for your spiritual journey.

Other Corresponding Elements

Eucalyptus, with its profound mystical attributes, finds its connections woven through elements, celestial influences, and spiritual associations. These correspondences are integral to understanding the versatile and transformative magical properties of this remarkable plant.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: The Moon
  • Astrology: Virgo
  • Crystal Combinations: Ocean Jasper, Peridot, Peacock Ore
  • Deities: Ogun
  • Toxicity: Toxic to humans and animals. Do not consume.

 A card with information about Eucalyptus plants. The card is on a green background with a white border. The card has a drawing of a Eucalyptus plant on the left side.

In this blog post, we've explored the captivating qualities of rosemary, marigold, and eucalyptus, each offering a unique tapestry of magical, culinary, medicinal, and practical attributes. These plants connect us to age-old traditions, inviting us to tap into their energies, offering guidance and inspiration along our spiritual journeys.

I hope this post provides you with some interesting information regarding expanding your own book of shadows, or your own apothecary. Remember to stay safe and use all plants with caution!

See you on Friday for our next blog post!

Laura x

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