From Symbols to Spells: A Beginner's Introduction to Runes

For centuries, runes have captivated us with their intricately carved lines and obscure symbols, each imbued with hidden meanings and unparalleled power. Every stroke carries the weight of ages, bearing echoes of untold knowledge and potent mystique. Scholars and seekers across generations have diligently sought to decipher the significance of these symbols, driven by an insatiable desire to unveil the histories and magic they shroud.

Over time, runes have found a steadfast place within the realm of witchcraft, utilized in spell work, divination, and various practices. Yet amidst the veil of intrigue, questions persist: What are these symbols exactly? What stories do they hold, and how did they come into existence? Today, within this blog post, we embark on a journey into the world of runes. We shall explore a brief history of runes, decipher their meanings, and learn how to harness their enigmatic power.

So, gather your curiosity as your compass and open your heart as your guide. As we decode the tales woven by these age-old symbols, let us commence our exploration of runes—one letter, one divination, and one revelation at a time.

What are runes?

Runes encompass an ancient system of symbols that have been utilized across cultures throughout history for writing, divination, and magical endeavours. With their profound significance spanning linguistics, history, spirituality, and mysticism, runes unveil a captivating world of meaning and power.

Originating within Germanic and Nordic cultures, including the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, runes were initially developed as a unique writing system. Recognised by their angular shapes, these forms were suited for carving into materials like wood or stone. It is these intricate shapes that are referred to as "runes."

Each individual rune possesses a distinct name, phonetic sound, and profound meaning. While some runes embody simple concepts like "horse" or "water," others hold more spiritual meanings, encapsulating concepts such as the "higher self." The meanings of runes are intertwined with the everyday life and cultural perspectives of the people who employed them.

Throughout time runes embarked on a transformative journey within the realm of witchcraft. Evolving into a versatile tool, they now find application in diverse domains such as divination and spell work, manifesting as sigils or charms. Further along the spectrum lies the realm of runic magic, also known as rune casting. In the art of runic magic, each symbol carries a distinctive essence, purpose, energy, and associations. Practitioners select runes aligned with their specific intentions, skilfully weaving them into various forms of magical practice.

The History of Runes

The exact origins of runes remain a subject of debate among historians, yet there's a consensus that these enigmatic symbols emerged around the 1st century CE within the Germanic tribes of Northern Europe. The very term "rune" seems to have sprouted from the Old Norse "Rúna," signifying "secret" or "mystery." Surviving runic inscriptions, dating back to approximately 200 B.C.E., offer a exciting glimpse into the past. In the realms of Norse tradition, the god Odin is credited with the discovery of runes—a key to unlocking hidden knowledge.

Primarily embraced by Germanic tribes such as the Goths, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, and the Vikings of Scandinavia, runes etched their presence across a diverse array of objects: jewellery, tools, weapons, and stones. Like the modern alphabet, runes held a utilitarian purpose, serving to record and transmit information across generations. On gravestones, these symbols commemorated the departed, etching their names and deeds for posterity's gaze.

The Vikings played an instrumental role in propelling runic writing into prominence. They carved runes onto objects like runestones, commemorating monumental events, esteemed leaders, and valiant warriors. Amid this shift, the Elder Futhark emerged, a runic alphabet that now graces modern consciousness and forms the crux of this discourse.

As epochs spun their tale, runes assumed a deeper spiritual mantle, intertwining with magic and deities. Infused into rituals and celebrations, they became conduits for forging profound connections with the spiritual realm and invoking mystical energies.

Yet, the tide of change arrived with the spread of Christianity across Northern Europe. Runes relinquished their status as writing tools, ceding to the Latin alphabet that adorned religious texts. Gradually, runes wove themselves into the fabric of folklore and tradition, straying from their erstwhile role as communicative tools. However, runes found a new place among practitioners of the mystical arts. Embraced as instruments of magic and divination, runes regained their lustre in the magical community. The digital age, characterized by social media and interconnected communities, ushered in a rekindling of interest in Norse culture, breathing life into Norse magic, mythology, and folklore.

This brief overview merely grazes the surface of the intricate tapestry that is the history of runes. Their influence extends deep into ancient cultures and continue to weave through the fabric of modern life, standing as testaments to their enduring enchantment. Runes persist as integral elements of diverse practices and cultures, testament to their remarkable journey through time.

Three leather keychains in the shape of shields with sword, axe, and helmet designs on a pink fur background.

An example of how to carry runic magic with you in everyday life with these leather key chains from Leather Longhouse. Find them here

Runes in Witchcraft

Within the vibrant tapestry of the witchcraft community, runes have woven themselves into a significant role as both divination tools and potent conduits of magic. Their allure lies in the embrace of ancient wisdom, beckoning practitioners to explore their depths. Runes transcend the realm of mere symbols; they embody intention, power, and protection, offering a reservoir of energy adaptable to diverse magical pursuits. Among the myriad ways runes are embraced in witchcraft, the following methods stand as testament to their versatility:

  • Sigils: The art of sigil craft, a form of symbolic magic, combines specific symbols or letters to manifest distinct desires or intentions. Practitioners often merge runes to forge unique sigils, amplifying the essence and purpose of their chosen symbols.
  • Carving or Inscribing: The act of etching runes onto candles, a Book of Shadows, or other magical tools serves as a subtle yet potent means of channelling runic energy into chosen vessels, infusing them with intention.
  • Spell work: In the context of spell work, runes come alive as magical agents. The gesture of tracing rune shapes into the air with a wand or energy-directing tool during rituals amplifies intention, imbuing the space with runic energy.
  • Meditation: When used in meditation, runes bolster concentration and channelling of energy. Engaging in meditation while focusing on a specific rune deepens one's connection with its intrinsic qualities.
  • Ancestral and Spiritual Work: Within specific practices, runes act as bridges to ancestral realms and spirit guides. Practitioners employ runes to invoke and communicate with spirits, seeking wisdom, guidance, or messages from realms beyond the physical.

In the ever-evolving landscape of witchcraft, runes remain steadfast as dynamic tools that transcend time, weaving together past and present, intention and manifestation. Whether etched onto material forms or inscribed into the very fabric of magic, runes embody the essence of intention—a testament to the enduring power of ancient symbols in the modern craft.

Runes & Divination

Among the various applications of runes, one of the most common is their role in divination. Rune casting methods may vary according to personal preference, but the fundamental principles remain consistent. In a typical runic divination session, the practitioner formulates a question, either spoken aloud or held in their thoughts, and then draws a number of runes from a rune bag. The symbols and meanings of these drawn runes are subsequently applied to address the situation or question at hand.

While it's essential to note that runes do not offer direct, fixed answers, their function is similar to that of Tarot cards, delving into the depths of one's subconscious and providing valuable guidance. Drawing a specific rune isn't a binding decree; rather, it illuminates potential paths and offers insight into your circumstances. The power to shape your journey remains firmly in your hands, and you retain the ability to make choices and changes in alignment with your desires.

Below, you'll discover a concise introduction to the Elder Futhark, the foundational runic alphabet. While the runes have more profound depths of meaning, this overview serves as a starting point for those embarking on their runic journey.

A poster with a list of runes and their meanings on a light blue background.

A poster with a list of runes and their meanings on a light blue background.

Getting started with runes.

So, you've decided to embark on a journey with runes, but where do you start, and where can you find runes? Thanks to the growing popularity of witchcraft and divination, sourcing runes has become more accessible than ever. Runes can be crafted from a variety of materials, including wood, stone, crystal, glass, resin, and even pewter. Some practitioners prefer rune sets made from crystals that align with their intentions. For instance, I chose moonstone crystals for my rune stones due to their divination properties. If your budget allows, I recommend sourcing supplies from small independent businesses. Here are a couple of online businesses that stock or make their own runes.

A pile of white and blue stones with gold runes on a white wood surface with a purple flower.

Moonstone runes from Luna Amatores. Find them here.

A collection of metal runes in a brown ceramic dish with different symbols on them.

A collection of pewter runes from Anders Crafts. Find them here

A collection of colourful resin runes

A collection of resin runes, filled with herbs and crystals from Conjuring Crafts. Find them here.

A black tray with white runes on a wooden surface.

A collection of glass runes from Wiccan Wares. Find them here.

If purchasing runes isn't within your budget at the moment, fear not; you can create your own. Collect stones and write on them with a marker pen or paint them. The beauty of making your own runes is that you're limited only by your imagination.

Once you have your runes, it's a good idea to cleanse and infuse them with your own energy. Cleansing can be done using various methods, such as smudging with smoke or using sound. Carrying your runes with you in a bag or placing them by your bedside while you sleep will further enhance your connection with them.

If you're interested in learning how to read runes, numerous resources are available online and in books. While I don't have a specific journal theme that focuses on runes, I do offer rune information cards in my shop. These cards are designed to break down the meaning of each rune for quick and easy reference as you learn. They also contain corresponding magical properties and elements for spell work reference. You can find them here.

A great way to practice your rune knowledge is by drawing one rune a day, referencing its meanings, and writing them down. Go beyond the surface and note what your intuition tells you about that rune, how it makes you feel, and what images it conjures up.

Before starting a rune reading session, ensure you have a clear question or intention in mind. This will help you focus your reading and gain as much clarity as possible. "Setting the mood" can also be beneficial; light candles, create a quiet and calm space, or whatever makes you feel relaxed.

Keeping a journal of your readings is an excellent practice. It provides context for future readings, tracks your progress, and allows you to reflect on previous guidance. Regular practice, even if it's as simple as drawing one rune a day, will strengthen your intuition and connection.

Remember that working with runes, like any divination tool, is a personal journey. Trust your instincts and intuition, allowing your connection to the runes to grow gradually over time. There's no rush; your journey is uniquely yours.

Rember, that working with runes (or any divination tool) is a personal journey. Trust your own instincts and intuition to allow your connection to the runes to grow gradually over time. There’s no rush, your journey is yours alone.

As we bring this journey into the world of runes to a close, I hope you find yourself inspired and eager to explore the depths of this ancient and mystical art. Runes, with their rich symbolism and timeless wisdom, have guided seekers, witches, and curious souls for centuries.

Remember, your path with runes is uniquely yours. Whether you're drawn to them for divination, spell work, or personal reflection, the runes will meet you where you are and evolve with you. They are symbols of transformation and growth, offering guidance and insight to those who seek them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post and please do check out the small businesses linked about

Until next time


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