The Enchanted Universe: Planets and Their Magical Significance

In the vastness of the universe, it’s easy to wonder what magic lies hidden as you gaze up at the sky—those distant planets, seeming so near yet so far, and our own smallness in comparison. Despite their cosmic distance, it’s essential to understand that these celestial bodies hold profound influence in witchcraft. Throughout history, witches have looked to the heavens for inspiration and guidance, forging deep connections between the celestial bodies and their mystical practices. Among the stars, the planets, with their radiant beauty and timeless orbits, hold a special place in the hearts of those who tread the witch's path.

As we delve into the depths of our craft, we uncover the intricate web of correspondences that tie our earthly endeavours to the celestial expanse above. From ancient astrological traditions to contemporary spell work, the planets play a pivotal role in shaping our rituals, intentions, and spiritual journeys. Each planet carries its unique energy and symbolism, offering countless possibilities for those eager to harness their power.

Today, within this blog post, we embark on an exploration of the captivating realm of planetary witchcraft. In our cosmic journey, we'll unveil the significance of planetary correspondences and delve into the art of planetary magic. Let the stars guide you as we unlock the celestial secrets nestled within the pages of this mystical adventure. Welcome to a world where magic knows no bounds, and the planets themselves whisper ancient incantations in the language of the cosmos.

  A quote by Christopher Penczak, The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, on a starry night sky background. The quote says “The planets are not just celestial bodies; they are also the presences of the gods, who can be called upon for assistance in enhancing our lives and spiritual practices.”

How are the planets and witchcraft intertwined?

The interplay between astrology and the mystical tapestry of witchcraft spans millennia, weaving its intricate threads through various cultures and ages. We've delved deeper into this cosmic connection in a previous blog post titled 'Astrology 101: Navigating the Cosmic Web of Stars and Signs,' accessible here. Essentially, the enchantment of the universe has left an profound mark on magical beliefs, with practitioners acknowledging the profound power it holds and its utility in magical and divinatory arts throughout centuries. Astrology, a complex and enigmatic subject, harbours countless hidden secrets and avenues of exploration. Here, we uncover some of the ways in which planets intertwine with witchcraft:

  • Planetary Correspondences: In both astrology and witchcraft, each planet carries specific qualities, energies, and correspondences. Many practitioners harness these energies for diverse spellcasting purposes. This can involve performing spells on the days of the week associated with the respective planet or invoking deities connected to it.
  • Astrological Timing: Witches carefully consider astrological events, such as planetary transits, lunar phases, and retrogrades, when planning their magical endeavours. They hold the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies wield influence over the outcomes of spells and rituals.
  • Natal Astrology: Some witches incorporate natal astrology into their craft, scrutinizing their birth charts (natal charts) for insights into their magical strengths, weaknesses, and life paths. Astrological factors like moon signs and rising signs often steer witches toward realms of magic.
  • Divination: The realms of astrology and divination converge seamlessly. Witches frequently employ astrology to interpret birth charts, tarot spreads, and other divinatory tools, extracting profound insights into the energies shaping individuals' lives and the potential outcomes of their magical endeavours.

Each of these methods is complex and diverse, so much so that they deserve their own blog post. Today, however, we will focus on the spell work aspect of the planets, delving into their corresponding magical properties and other related elements.

The Sun

The Sun, bringer of life, holds a central and cherished place within the practice of witchcraft. It is not merely the giver of light but a source of boundless magical energy. In the world of witchcraft, the Sun symbolizes an array of positive attributes and properties, including creativity, wealth, life force, and the unwavering confidence to pursue one's dreams. It ignites ambition, nurtures physical health, and unlocks the boundless potential within. With the Sun's energy comes an unwavering willpower that fuels personal identity and empowers the spirit with a surge of vitality. As a guiding light on our life's journey, it directs our career goals and leads us toward the path of success. The Sun's influence, akin to a blazing fire, is closely intertwined with the element of Fire itself, evoking a sense of warmth and strength. Its golden embrace bathes the world in light during the summer season, casting an aura of inspiration and empowerment. Harnessing the suns energy in your spell work with provide a dominant, joyful force, illuminating your path.

  • Properties: Creativity, wealth, life force, confidence, ambition, physical health, potential, willpower, identity, energy, vitality, career goals, success
  • Element: Fire
  • Season: Summer
  • Chakra: Solar plexus
  • Number: One
  • Day: Sunday
  • Time: Noon
  • Crystals: Amber, carnelian, sunstone, tigers’ eye
  • Herbs: Cinnamon, clove, eyebright, broom
  • Colours: Gold, orange, yellow
  • Plants: Olive, rowan, sunflower, marigold
  • Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Leo
  • Deities: Brigid, Phoebe, Adonis, Ogma
  • Tarot: The Sun
  • Animals: Lizard, lion, jaguar, wolf
  • Spell work: Growth, career and business, prosperity, confidence
  • Rune: Wunju
  • Celebration: Litha

The Moon

The Moon, often regarded as the secondary life force in the intricate tapestry of witchcraft, holds a profound influence over magical practice. It reigns during the tranquil hours of evening and governs the sacred day of Monday. The number thirteen is closely associated with its energy. The Moon symbolizes a host of attributes, most notably divination, emotions, dreams, and the boundless realms of imagination. It embodies the essence of feminine energy and serves as a wellspring of intuition, fostering deep reflection upon one's inner consciousness. With its ethereal glow, the Moon guides our instincts, influences our emotional responses, and addresses our profound needs for both self-discovery and support. It holds the key to the subconscious mind, offering access to psychic knowledge and hidden mysteries. In the craft of the wise, the Moon is a revered luminary, ever-watchful and ever-inspiring, invoking its enchantment in spells, rituals, and journeys into the deepest corners of the mystical.


  • Properties: Divination, emotions, dreams, imagination, feminine energy, intuition, reflection, instincts, responses, needs, support, the subconscious, psychic knowledge
  • Element: Water
  • Season: Spring
  • Chakra: Sacral
  • Number: Thirteen
  • Day: Monday
  • Time: Evening
  • Crystals: Moonstone, opal, quartz, selenite
  • Herbs: Rosemary, moonwort, saffron, sandalwood
  • Colours: Blue, grey, silver, white
  • Plants: Willow, rowan, jasmine, lily
  • Zodiac: Cancer
  • Deities: Selene, Luna, Artemis, Hermes
  • Tarot: The Moon
  • Animals: Crow, owl, fox, snake
  • Spell work: Illumination, imagination, divination, transformation
  • Rune: Halgalaz
  • Celebration: Imbolc


Jupiter, the largest planet in our celestial system, occupies a prominent place in the realm of witchcraft. Its vast presence is reflected in its attributes, symbolising truth, faith, education, and authority. It is a beacon of knowledge and generosity, offering opportunities for expansion and growth. Under Jupiter's influence, witches find enthusiasm and energy to embark on outgoing ventures. It bestows abundance, a champion of justice, and a bringer of opportunities. In the intricate web of magical practices, Jupiter's influence resonates with those seeking truth, wisdom, and the expansion of their spiritual horizons. Its presence adds a touch of grandeur to the craft, aligning with those who seek to harness its expansive energies for benevolent and just pursuits.

  • Attributes: Truth, faith, education, authority, knowledge, generosity, expansion, enthusiasm, energy, outgoing, benevolence, abundance, opportunity, justice
  • Element: Air & Fire
  • Season: Autumn
  • Colours: Blue, green, purple, turquoise
  • Crystals: Amethyst, lepidolite, sugilite, diopside
  • Herbs: Meadowsweet, sage, lemon balm, aloe
  • Nature: Birch, sycamore, palm, honeysuckle
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Deities: Hera, Nut, Jupiter, Zeus
  • Chakra: Third Eye
  • Animals: Deer, eagle
  • Spell Work: Abundance, astral travel, intuition, prosperity
  • Tarot: The Wheel
  • Rune: Berkana
  • Number: Four
  • Day: Thursday
  • Time: Midnight


On the opposite side of the Earth, Mars emerges as a force that holds a distinct place within the realm of witchcraft. Its attributes encompass loyalty, conflict, strength, and the fiery flames of anger. Mars embodies determination and an assertive spirit, invoking the energy of competition and action. With unwavering drive and primal instinct, it embraces the challenges that lie ahead. Mars is a guardian, offering protection and nurturing courage in the face of adversity. In the mystical arts, it serves as a potent source of strength and resolve, guiding those who seek to harness its intense energies for matters of protection, empowerment, and unyielding determination.

  • Attributes: Loyalty, conflict, strength, anger, determination, assertive, competition, action, drive, instinct, challenge, determination, protection, courage
  • Element: Fire
  • Season: Summer
  • Colours: Red, black
  • Crystals: Bloodstone, garnet, red jasper
  • Herbs: Basil, ginger, red pepper, nettle
  • Nature: Nettles, thistle, red roses
  • Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
  • Deities: Mars, Athena, Bellona
  • Chakra: Root
  • Animals: Wolf, bear, ram
  • Spell Work: Courage, protection, banishing, determination
  • Tarot: The Tower
  • Rune: Thurisaz
  • Number: Three
  • Day: Tuesday


As the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury holds a special place in the heart of witchcraft. Its attributes encompass the realms of communication, travel, and the boundless expanse of the mind. Mercury is the celestial patron of intellect, knowledge, forgiveness, thoughts, and ideas. It is the embodiment of logic, speech, writing, and intelligence, nurturing mental abilities and the power of reason. In the craft, Mercury's influence is akin to a messenger, facilitating clear communication and fostering the exchange of ideas. Practitioners invoke Mercury's presence to enhance their powers of expression, to seek knowledge and wisdom, and to embark on journeys of both the physical and intellectual kind. With Mercury as their guide, practitioners navigate the intricate pathways of thought, speech, and the written word with grace and precision.

  • Attributes: Communication, travel, the mind, intellect, knowledge, forgiveness, thoughts, ideas, logic, speech, writing, intelligence, mental abilities, ability, reason
  • Element: Air
  • Season: Summer
  • Colours: Yellow, green, silver, purple
  • Crystals: Fluorite, moss agate, sodalite, opal
  • Herbs: Bittersweet, bergamot, peppermint, lavender
  • Nature: Elder, hazel, jasmine, lilac
  • Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
  • Deities: Athena, Minerva, Hermes, Loki
  • Chakra: Throat
  • Animals: Blue Jay, coyote, fox, jackal
  • Spell Work: Communication, divination, improvement, the mind
  • Tarot: The Magician
  • Rune: Raido
  • Number: Four
  • Day: Wednesday


Named after the god of the sea, Neptune emerges as a celestial entity of profound significance within the world of witchcraft. Its attributes evoke the spirit of discovery, invention, genius, and boundless creativity. Neptune kindles the flames of knowledge, imagination, and dreams, inspiring the most fantastical of visions. It is the muse of inspiration, nurturing fantasy, ideas, and love. With a compassionate heart, Neptune bestows the gift of talent, facilitating the alchemical transformation of the soul. It is the patron of divination, inviting practitioners to delve into the depths of intuition and unlock the secrets of the cosmos. Neptune's ethereal presence casts a dreamlike enchantment, guiding those who sail its mystical waters toward the shores of enlightenment and artistic brilliance.

  • Attributes: Discovery, invention, genius, creativity, knowledge, imagination, dreams, inspiration, fantasy, ideas, love, compassion, talent, alchemy, divination
  • Element: Water
  • Season: Winter
  • Colours: Light green, purple, blue, turquoise
  • Crystals: Amethyst, angelite, celestite, labradorite
  • Herbs: Clove, lavender, hemp, dill
  • Nature: Lotus, lilac, violet, orange
  • Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
  • Deities: Amphitrite, Brigid, Neptune, Poseidon
  • Chakra: Third Eye
  • Animals: Fish, all sea life
  • Spell Work: Clairvoyance, guidance, inspiration, intuition
  • Tarot: Hanged Man
  • Rune: Teiwaz
  • Number: Seven
  • Day: Monday


As the final visible planet in our celestial realm, Saturn emerges as a potent force within witchcraft. Its attributes are symbolic of protection, order, and the unwavering discipline needed to navigate the mystical path. Saturn imparts the virtues of patience, fostering the structure and control necessary for spiritual growth. It is the harbinger of wisdom, a guide to successful careers, and a custodian of the intricate web of life's karma. Saturn acknowledges the limitations of existence, urging practitioners to persevere and go beyond adversity. It stands as a beacon of security and maturity, nurturing the soul through the trials and tribulations of the earthly realm. Saturn's enduring presence reminds witches of the profound value of self-restraint and the ever-continuing journey towards enlightenment.

  • Attributes: Protection, order, discipline, patience, structure, control, wisdom, career, restriction, security, maturity, karma, limitations, perseverance, growth
  • Element: Earth
  • Season: Winter
  • Colours: Black, brown, dark green
  • Crystals: Onyx, hematite, black tourmaline, smoky quartz
  • Herbs: Sage, comfrey, mullein, yarrow
  • Nature: Oak, cypress, evergreen
  • Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Deities: Cronus, Saturn
  • Chakra: Root
  • Animals: Owl, bat, vulture
  • Spell Work: Protection, banishing, grounding, career advancement
  • Tarot: The World
  • Rune: Isa
  • Number: Eight
  • Day: Saturday


Named after the father of Jupiter, Uranus emerges as a force of immense importance in the realm of witchcraft. Its attributes symbolize discovery, invention, and the boundless genius of knowledge. Uranus ignites the fires of creativity, awakening the spirit of innovation and originality. It beckons practitioners towards transformation and the embrace of unconventional paths. The planet resonates with psychic energy, inviting those who dare to explore its eccentric nature. Uranus serves as a cosmic catalyst, pushing witches into uncharted territories of the mind and spirit, where the limitless potential of the unknown awaits. It is a beacon of awakening, inspiring practitioners to break free from the shackles of convention and journey towards the realms of imagination.

  • Attributes: Discovery, invention, genius, knowledge, creativity, awakening, innovation, originality, transformation, unconventional, psychic energy, eccentric
  • Element: Air
  • Season: Winter
  • Colours: Indigo, purple, yellow, blue
  • Crystals: Aventurine, labradorite, quartz, amazonite
  • Herbs: Clove, rosemary, sage
  • Nature: Ash, rowan
  • Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini
  • Deities: Anat, Aphrodite, Isis, Ishtar
  • Chakra: Third Eye
  • Spell Work: Ambition, freedom, goals, improvement
  • Tarot: The Fool
  • Rune: Ingwaz
  • Number: Four


Positioned between Mercury and Earth, Venus graces the world of witchcraft with its enchanting attributes. This celestial entity embodies the realms of truth, faith, and the intoxicating allure of love and romance. Venus kindles the flames of harmony, igniting the fires of passion and pleasure. It is the muse of creativity, a magnet for attraction, and the nurturing force behind flourishing relationships. Venus adorns the craft with beauty inviting practitioners to explore the depths of their sensuality and glamour. Witches invoke Venus to harmonise their lives with the art of love, weaving spells of attraction, desire, and lasting connections. It is the celestial embodiment of all things exquisite and amorous, casting its radiant light upon the path of the witch.

  • Attributes: Truth, faith, love, romance, harmony, sexuality, glamour, pleasure, passion, creativity, attraction, relationships, beauty, personal magnetism
  • Number: Six
  • Day: Friday
  • Time: Dusk
  • Element: Earth
  • Season: Autumn
  • Colours: Pink, purple, white, yellow
  • Crystals: Rose Quartz, Desert Rose, Kunzite, Jade
  • Herbs: Basil, vervain, raspberry, yarrow
  • Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
  • Nature: Apple tree, cherry tree, rose, passionflower
  • Deities: Venus, Astarte, Ishtar, Aphrodite
  • Chakra: Heart
  • Animals: Hare, lynx, dove, swan
  • Spell Work: Love, self-love, harmony, kindness
  • Tarot: The Lovers
  • Rune: Ansuz


As the entity that brings order from chaos, Pluto occupies a unique and profound place in the realm of witchcraft. Its attributes encompass the transformative powers that lead to prosperity, as it guides practitioners through the cycles of death and rebirth. Pluto is the harbinger of change and renewal, reminding witches of the ever-present limits of existence. It disrupts the norm to make way for transformation and order, often embracing the eccentricity of its manifestations. Pluto's enigmatic influence is like a cosmic alchemist, inviting witches to delve into the depths of their souls, confront their shadow selves, and emerge renewed and empowered. In the craft, Pluto stands as a guardian of secrets and hidden truths, urging those who dare to tread its path towards profound self-discovery and spiritual growth.

  • Attributes: Transformation, prosperity, death, change, rebirth, renewal, limits, order, disrupting, eccentricity, manifestation
  • Element: Water
  • Season: Autumn
  • Colours: Black, brown, red, maroon
  • Crystals: Garnet, jet, obsidian, quartz
  • Herbs: Belladonna, bittersweet, nettle, basil
  • Nature: Cypress, fern, heather, anemone
  • Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio
  • Deities: Pluto, Osiris, Kali, The Morrigan
  • Chakra: Sacral
  • Spell Work: The afterlife, change, transformation, renewal
  • Tarot: Judgement
  • Rune: Uruz
  • Celebration: None

a graphic in a scrap book style showing magical information about the planets

The enchanting realm of planetary witchcraft invites us to embark on a cosmic journey where the celestial bodies above hold profound influence over our magical practices. As we gaze up at the night sky and ponder the vastness of the universe, we are reminded of our connection to the stars and planets, each with its unique energy and symbolism.

From the radiant Sun, symbolizing creativity, wealth, and life force to the mystical Moon, which guides us through divination, emotions, and dreams, the planets offer a rich tapestry of attributes for witches to explore.

The planets are our guides, offering their energies and correspondences to enhance our spell work, rituals, and magical journeys. Whether we seek prosperity, protection, creativity, or self-discovery, the planets above are always there, whispering ancient incantations in the language of the cosmos. As we unlock the celestial secrets, we open ourselves to a world where magic knows no bounds, and the stars themselves become our allies on the witch's path.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Please feel free to save the graphic for you own records.



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