The Fool: Embrace Spontaneity and New Beginnings

Welcome to our very first tarot deep dive! Today, we embark on a fascinating journey into the heart of the tarot deck, starting with none other than "The Fool." This tarot deep dive series is designed to provide you with an in-depth exploration of each card in a standard tarot deck. Throughout this series, we will primarily draw from the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck, while also incorporating some of my own interpretations and offering handy cheat sheet graphics for quick reference—created by Polka Dot Teapot Designs (for personal use only).

If you missed our previous post on getting started with tarot, you can catch up on it here.

This is a photo realistic image of a tarot card, “The Fool”, on top of a stack of old books.

The Fool occupies a unique and revered position in the realm of tarot. Traditionally hailed as "the first" card in the deck, it symbolizes the daring leap of faith. The Fool card beckons us to step boldly away from the familiar, embrace spontaneity, and venture into the uncharted territories of existence with the wide-eyed wonder of innocence. With its whimsical imagery, timeless symbolism, and multifaceted meanings, The Fool card stands as a captivating and complex figure in the rich tapestry of tarot.

In this exploration of The Fool tarot card, we will peel back the layers of its symbolism, delve into its historical origins, and decipher the profound messages it carries for those who seek its wisdom. Join us as we uncover how this ostensibly naïve wanderer can serve as a profound guide on the remarkable journey of our own lives.

Card Overview: Who is The Fool?

The Fool card, a captivating and iconic figure within the tarot, introduces us to a character of profound significance. In the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck, The Fool is often portrayed as a carefree wanderer, embarking on a journey with a small bag in hand, a rose in their other hand, and a loyal companion—a small dog—nipping at their heels. This seemingly whimsical scene holds a wealth of symbolism and deeper meaning.

At its core, The Fool card symbolizes youth, innocence, and the daring leap of faith required at the start of any significant undertaking. It represents the threshold of a journey, whether that journey is a physical adventure, a mental exploration, or a spiritual quest. The Fool embodies the purest form of optimism, as they stand at the precipice of the unknown, ready to step boldly into uncharted territory. For this reason, The Fool is considered to be the number 0, marking the beginning of a journey.

Here are some of the keywords associated with The Fool card:

  • Innocence: The card exudes the purity of a mind unburdened by preconceived notions and scepticism. The Fool approaches life with an open heart and a childlike wonder, ready to embrace each experience without judgment.
  • Adventure: The Fool's journey is an adventure in the truest sense. It signifies the thrill of embarking on a novel and uncharted path, often without a clear destination in mind. It reminds us of the excitement that comes with venturing beyond our comfort zones.
  • Purity: The Fool represents a heart untainted by cynicism. It encourages us to see the world with fresh eyes, free from the biases and prejudices that may have accumulated over time.
  • Naivety: While naivety can sometimes be seen as a weakness, The Fool card suggests that there is strength in not being jaded by past disappointments. It reminds us of the power of approaching life's challenges with an open and unguarded spirit.
  • Impulse: The Fool is unafraid to act on intuition and follow their heart's desires. It encourages us to trust our inner guidance and act spontaneously when it feels right.
  • Risk: The Fool acknowledges that great rewards often accompany great risks. It invites us to take calculated leaps of faith when necessary, reminding us that sometimes, the most profound growth occurs outside our comfort zones.
  • Choice: Finally, The Fool card emphasizes the power of choice. It encourages us to make decisions unencumbered by fear or doubt. The Fool's journey is one of free will, reminding us that our choices shape our destiny.

In essence, The Fool card is a invitation to embrace the unknown with childlike enthusiasm, to approach life with an open heart and an adventurous spirit, and to trust in the journey, even when the path is uncertain. It is a reminder that every beginning carries the potential for greatness, and every risk taken can lead to transformation and enlightenment.

This is a photo realistic image of a tarot card on a wooden surface.

The Rider-Waite-Smith Fool Card

The History of The Fool in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck

The history of The Fool card in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck is a tale of transformation. Prior to the advent of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, The Fool was conventionally portrayed as a court jester—a symbol of jest and entertainment. However, the collaboration between Arthur Edward Waite and the artist Pamela Colman Smith in the early 20th century brought forth a revolutionary reinterpretation. Smith chose to depict The Fool as an androgynous figure, standing at the edge of a precipice, poised to take a daring leap. This portrayal reinvented The Fool, casting it not as a mere clown but as an adventurer, embodying the essence of youth's naivety and spontaneous whimsy. This new illustration introduced profound meaning and narrative potential to the card, emphasizing that anyone could assume the role of The Fool on the journey of life. Placed as the first card in the Major Arcana sequence, The Fool symbolizes the commencement of a significant journey—a leap of faith into the unknown. Smith's fresh interpretation and the card's strategic placement marked a pivotal shift in the realm of tarot. The Fool ceased to be a figure of mockery and transformed into a symbol of new beginnings and adventure. Today, it stands as one of the most iconic and universally recognized cards in the world of tarot.

Traditional symbolism in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck

Pamela Colman Smith, a highly gifted artist, infused the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck with a wealth of traditional and profound symbolism that would go on to revolutionise the interpretation and understanding of tarot cards. Within The Fool card, Smith artfully incorporated a multitude of symbolic elements, including subtle nuances in colour. Here are some of The Fool’s key symbols:

  • Cliff Edge (Blind Leap of Faith): One of the most striking and iconic elements of The Fool card in the RWS deck is the presence of a cliff edge. This cliff symbolises the daring leap of faith that The Fool is about to take. It represents the unknown, the uncharted territory that lies ahead on the journey of life. The Fool stands at the precipice, unafraid and ready to embrace the adventure of the unknown.
  • Red Feather (Adventure): The red feather in The Fool's cap is a symbol of adventure and courage. It signifies The Fool's willingness to take risks and embark on a journey filled with excitement and novelty. The vibrant red colour is associated with passion, enthusiasm, and the desire to explore new horizons.
  • Black Wand (Power): The black wand carried by The Fool is a representation of power, but it's a power that is untamed and uncontrolled. It reflects the potential for raw, unbridled energy that The Fool possesses. This wand, held loosely, signifies that The Fool is not bound by conventional power structures but instead harnesses their own inner strength.
  • Colours: The colour scheme in The Fool card is quite significant. The Fool's attire consists of a blend of various colours, including white, yellow, red, and green. These colours symbolise different aspects of The Fool's character and journey. White represents purity and innocence, yellow signifies intellect and enlightenment, red symbolizes passion and courage, and green represents growth and potential.
  • Small Bag: The small bag that The Fool carries is often seen as a symbol of the potential and resources that they carry on their journey. It represents the wisdom and experiences accumulated from the past, which The Fool is willing to take with them into the unknown.
  • White Rose: The white rose held by The Fool is a symbol of purity, spirituality, and the unspoiled beauty of the soul. It signifies the untarnished nature of The Fool's spirit as they embark on their journey.
  • Small Dog: The loyal small dog at The Fool's feet symbolizes protection, loyalty, and instinct. It serves as a reminder that The Fool is not alone on their journey and that there is a guardian spirit accompanying them, ready to warn of potential dangers.
  • Mountains in the Background: The distant mountains represent challenges and obstacles that lie ahead on the journey. They serve as a reminder that life's path is not without its trials and tests, and The Fool may encounter difficulties as they venture into the unknown.
  • Sun and Sky: The clear blue sky and the radiant sun in the background suggest optimism and hope. They symbolize the limitless possibilities and potential for growth and enlightenment that await The Fool on their path.

These subtle symbols come together to create a complex and layered depiction of The Fool's journey. They invite the reader to explore the depths of The Fool's character and the profound lessons that can be learned as one embraces the uncertainties of life's adventures. Together, they convey the message of embracing the unknown with courage, taking a leap of faith, and harnessing personal power on the journey of self-discovery.

This is an illustration of a tarot card, “The Fool”, with a white background and a gold border. The image is by Polka Dot Teapot Designs

My Interpretation of The Fool Card

When I embarked on the journey of illustrating my own Tarot cards, the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) deck served as my inspiration. My aspiration was to craft a deck replete with profound symbolism, staying true to Pamela Colman Smith's illustration style and key elements. While my interpretation of The Fool card may not mirror the RWS deck precisely, and it lacks certain components like the iconic cliff edge and faithful dog, I endeavoured to retain some of the subtler nuances within my illustration. I depicted an androgynous figure with closed eyes, their head tilted back dreamily—a representation of dreams and the allure of adventures. Swirling clouds of yellow, blue, and white smoke in the background signify innocence and unbridled joy. The Fool's knapsack stands as a symbol of adventure, innate talents, and acquired skills, while the presence of freesia flowers conveys the virtues of courage, change, and embracing the unknown. In paying homage to Pamela Colman Smith's original design, I incorporated the rose and feathers as heartfelt tributes. You can find this collection of illustrations on all the tarot products in my shop.

The Upright Position

The Fool card, in its upright position, is a powerful symbol of new beginnings, spontaneity, and embracing life's opportunities with childlike wonder. When this card appears in a tarot reading, it often signifies that you are in a unique and positive state of being "out of sync" with the world—in a good way. You may find yourself detached from societal norms and expectations, allowing you to see the world through fresh eyes, unburdened by preconceived notions. This is a time of great potential and enthusiasm.

The Fool card suggests that you may be on the brink of embarking on a new journey, whether it's a physical adventure, a career change, or a personal transformation. It's a sign that something exciting and promising is on the horizon. This card encourages you to seize the moment, take risks, and dive headfirst into new experiences. Trust your instincts and follow your dreams fearlessly.

In essence, The Fool in an upright position invites you to embrace the spirit of adventure and curiosity that resides within you. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most remarkable and fulfilling experiences in life come when you are willing to take that "leap of faith" into the unknown with an open heart and a sense of optimism. When The Fool appears, it is time to chase your dreams.


In a reversed position, The Fool card suggests caution and a need to pause before leaping into new ventures or making impulsive decisions. It signifies that now may not be the ideal time to start something new, as there may be uncertainties, risks, or factors that require careful consideration. You might be hesitating or procrastinating when faced with opportunities or changes in your life.

The reversed Fool card indicates a lack of spontaneity or energy in your current situation. You may be feeling hesitant or reserved, which could hinder your ability to embrace change or explore new possibilities with the enthusiasm you once had. It's essential to examine the reasons behind this hesitation and whether it's due to fear, self-doubt, or external circumstances.

This card serves as a reminder to weigh the pros and cons of your choices carefully. While spontaneity can be exhilarating, it's also essential to have a clear understanding of the potential consequences of your actions. Take the time to assess your goals, consider alternative paths, and ensure that your decisions align with your long-term objectives.

In essence, The Fool in a reversed position advises you to exercise caution and to regain a sense of spontaneity and energy if you've been feeling stagnant or apprehensive. While it may not be the right moment to jump into something new impulsively, it's also essential not to allow fear or hesitation to hold you back indefinitely. Seek a balance between careful planning and embracing new experiences when the time is right.

Questions for The Fool card

When you draw The Fool card in a tarot reading, try asking yourself these questions to provide deeper insight and clarity:

  • What new adventures or opportunities are on the horizon for me? This question can help you gain insight into the potential new experiences or endeavours that may be coming your way. Think about any goals or dreams you may have, and how best to start them.
  • What is holding me back from embracing spontaneity and taking risks in my life? This question can help you identify any barriers or fears that may be preventing you from seizing exciting opportunities. What are you afraid of, and what is the worst-case scenario if you do take the risk?
  • What should I consider before embarking on a new journey or making a significant change in my life? This question can provide valuable insights into the factors you should weigh and the preparations you should make before taking a leap. Think about the pros and cons of the situation and make your plan from there.

Other correspondences for The Fool card

The Fool card is a treasure trove of correspondences that can enhance your understanding and connection with the card and enhance your spell work. Aligned with new beginnings and guidance, it resonates with crystals like Agate, Citrine, and Aventurine, which amplify its energies. For spell work, consider incorporating herbs such as Vervain, Yarrow, and Mugwort, infusing your intentions with the card's spontaneity and innocence. Flowers like Rose, Freesia and Geranium can be used to evoke The Fool's joyful essence. Timing is key, and the New Moon phase serves as an ideal backdrop for embracing The Fool's adventurous spirit. In celestial terms, Uranus is the planet linked to this card, connecting it to innovative energies. As The Fool dances through life with carefree abandon, the element of Air guides its journey, and Monday becomes the day of choice for exploring its boundless potential. The vibrant colours of Orange and White further symbolize the card's exuberance, encouraging you to channel The Fool's essence into your magical and spiritual practices.

This is a digital image of a tarot card, The Fool, with keywords and interpretations written around it.

As we conclude our deep dive into The Fool tarot card, we've unravelled the layers of symbolism, explored its historical evolution, and uncovered the profound messages it carries. The Fool invites us to step away from the known, embrace life's adventures with innocence, and take leaps of faith into the unknown. Whether you find yourself standing on the precipice of a new journey or hesitating at the threshold of change, The Fool serves as a reminder that every beginning carries the potential for greatness. It encourages us to trust in our instincts, seize opportunities, and approach life with childlike wonder. As we navigate the twists and turns of our own life's journey, may The Fool be our ever-present guide, to embark on new adventures with open hearts. Stay tuned as we continue our tarot deep dive, exploring the rich tapestry of the tarot deck, one card at a time. I hope this post has been useful to you, and you enjoy the free graphic above. If you’re interest in more tarot products, you can find my entire collection here. Have a lovely week and see you next month for our deep dive into The Magician card!



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